You must understand that currently world marketing has penetrated into the digital world. And this is a very positive point for business people. Because products can be marketed easily without having to go around introducing products to other people like the previous method. Currently, only by using a website can you optimize your business. The presence of UI/UX in the business world is a helper for business people to be able to make their website look fresher and make it easier for customers to shop online.
Talking about UI/UX is not far from what is called a website, that’s why UI/UX is an important aspect to support the appearance of the website and plays an important role for customer satisfaction experience. Well, with UI/UX Design you can also carry out strategies to expand your business capacity so that it will progress and develop.
Read This To Know More About Why UI/UX is important: How Can UI/UX Design Bring Value to Your Business
UI/UX Design: Strategy To Build It
The following is a UI/UX design strategy that can make your business grow more advanced
Maximize Design Layout
The first strategy you can do is to maximize the appearance of the design on the website layout. Like paying attention to the display of illustrations used. Besides that, maximizing the use of color tones will also make people interested in visiting your website. You need to understand that color can describe what the company is like. Therefore, use a color that is in harmony with your characteristics. You can also insert personal branding as one of the characteristics of your website. For example, a website account on e-commerce, Shopee, which has an iconic orange stuffed chicken figure. Well, you can also insert iconic figures on your business web page.
Note the Use of Buttons
The next thing you can make as a strategy is to pay attention to the use of buttons as tools to make it easier for customers when accessing website pages. Try to use a menu button that is easy to understand, aka not using complicated symbols. For example, the home menu can use the house symbol, or the notification menu can use the bell symbol. You can also use the contact menu or customer service by using the phone or headphones symbol.
Color In Design
This has often been mentioned by many parties and business experts. That the choice of color can be a characteristic that is easily recognized and remembered by customers. Therefore, you need to choose colors that are iconic and easily remembered by other people. Avoid dark and somber colors, because basically colors can also affect a person’s psychology. For example, the green color in Tokopedia e-commerce has the meaning of calm, with the hope that customers who shop on the Tokopedia website account can shop in peace and satisfaction because the website doesn’t lag and is slow to load.
Use Easy to Read Fonts
Another strategy you can do is to choose an easy-to-read font style to design the appearance of website pages. Avoid using continuous fonts, because it will make the eyes hurt when read and the customer will be confused when reading it. You can use formal fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana. If you use an unusual font, visitors will also be discouraged from visiting your business and also reluctant to shop for your products. So, don’t choose the wrong font for display on the website.
Simplify Command Sentences
A strategy that you can also do for business UI/UX is to pay attention to the order of words regarding command sentences. It’s better to use the word “click here” in the command if you want to make a call or chat with customer service. Don’t use long imperative sentences, because usually customers will be too lazy to read long imperative sentences or instructions. So, let’s simplify the use of sentences in the display on the website page.
So, those are 5 design strategies in UI/UX to make your business better and keep growing in a better direction. Make sure you apply the strategy listed above!
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