In making android applications, the media used to make them are now various, one of which is using Android Studios. What is Android Studio? this is the explanation.
The Definition of Android Studios
Android Studios is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Android operating system, built on JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. Android Studio also provides many features to increase your productivity in creating Android apps, so it’s not just an IntelliJ code editor and a powerful development tool, such as:
- Flexible Gradle based build system
- Fast and feature-rich emulator
- You can freely build an application for all Android devices because it has a unified environment
- Can apply code and resource changes to apps without starting a running app.
- Android Studio also offers code templates and GitHub integration so that users can be more helpful when building app features and importing sample code.
- Complete framework and testing tools
- Lint tool to record performance, usability, version compatibility, and other issues
- C++ and NDK support
- Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, which makes integration of Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine easy
Android Studio also provides access to the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). SDK can be called an extension of Java code which allows it to run seamlessly on Android devices. So, if Java is needed to write the program, the Android SDK is needed to run the program on Android. To combine them, you need Android Studio. In addition, if you find a bug in your application, you can use Android Studio to fix it.
Android Studios Versions
In its journey, Android studio as we know it so far consists of four types of releases namely Canary, Beta, Dev, and Stable. Of course, each version has various features and improvements also in each version. The following admin describes the versions of Android studio:
- Canary
This Canary version gets all kinds of releases. When a new feature is created, the Carany version will be able to immediately try the feature without having to wait long. Updates for Canary are usually released weekly. Maybe in this version, you will find bugs here and there because new experimental and rudimentary features have been immediately obtained.
- Dev
Similar to Canary, Dev is also used to test new features as quickly as possible to users. Even though it was chosen from Canary’s tested features, it doesn’t mean it’s bug-free but it should have fewer bugs. Dev version releases come out weekly or monthly.
- Beta
The Beta version of Android Studio has new features but with minimal bug risk, Beta Releases usually include new features but with far fewer bugs.
- Stable
We can use Android Studio which is minimal with problems via the Stable version.
So Which One Do You Use?
However, if you want to try new features without having to wait to enter the Stable version, you can also install another version online with the Stable version. Because each version of Android Studio has its own folder settings. So using one version of Android Studio will not affect the other versions.
Reasons Why Android Studio Is Important
Here are some important reasons you should understand:
- Learning about Android Studio can help you to drive the creation of the apps you want.
- Android Studio is a tool that is easy to reach and use.
- In this one tool, you can get various benefits from app creation to app testing.
- You can save work time and be more productive by just learning Android Studio.
- Can deepen the knowledge of coding well. Because in the study of android given some references when you type the syntax.
- Android Studio is the right medium for making applications, especially the Android OS which is good and practical and can be a means to learn coding.