Back-end code is the one that communicates with the front-end sending and receiving messages that have to be interprete and display on the web page. Further to this, there are 2 kinds of websites- static and dynamic. A static web page is the one who’s contents do not change much and a dynamic web application is…
What are The Benefits of Kotlin?
Kotlin, a programming language, has gained an astounding amount of interest among developers in the past four years — especially following Google’s #IO17 announcement supporting it as an official language for Android apps. So what makes this language so special, what are the benefits of Kotlin, and how can it help your business? What is…
5 Important Reasons Why You Should Use Python
Python is a multipurpose interpretive programming language. Unlike other languages which are difficult to read and understand, python places more emphasis on code readability to make it easier to understand syntax. This makes Python very easy to learn both for beginners and for those who have mastered other programming languages.
Top 5 Advantages of Using Laravel
Laravel framework is very popular for custom software development. It is the Most Starred PHP Framework on Github. More than 56.000 developers from all over the world greatly appreciate the robust features of this platform. Why is Laravel so popular? It gives the right tools to help build websites and web apps faster, more stable, and…
A Use Case for Proper Mobile Apps Development
Nowadays, people are spending more time on their smartphones and mobile devices. If you are a startup or an established business, creating a great mobile app is a method to increase your visibility and put you in front of the competition. You can hire dedicated developer or one of the top app development companies to help…
Creating User Journey for Apps Development
A user journey is a timeline of user actions that describes the relationship between your brand and its customers. It’s a visualization of all of a user’s interactions with your product, from their point of view. A user journey mapping is a visual representation of the “story” from a customer’s perspective. User journey mapping creates a timeline of all…
How to Create User Persona for Digital Product?
A user persona is a representation of your target user. At the most basic level, personas allow you to personalize or target your marketing for different segments of your audience. Personas provide you with insight into how to make offerings and marketing messaging relevant and successful as a result. Personas allow you to map out and create…