What is Full Stack Development, Definition? Full-stack development refers to the development of both front-end and back-end portions of an application. This web development process involves all three-layer. The presentation layer (front end part that deals with the user interface), Business Logic Layer (back end part that deals with data validation), and the Database Layer….
SAGARA FINTECH ROUNDTABLE: Ready to Change? Let’s Learn More into Payment and Settlement in the Digital Era
Sagara Fintech Roundtable Day 4 – Thursday, 22nd July 2021 – Sagara held a talk show on fintech by inviting C-levels who are experts in the fields of technology development from various existing fintech companies. The main discussion of the talk show is about how digital payment can make transactions easier, more secure, and not…
Fundamentals of Front End and Back End Development
For anyone who doesn’t work directly with web development, concepts like fundamentals of front-end vs back-end development can be challenging to wrap your head around. Pile on all of the frameworks, programming languages, APIs, and libraries that front-end developers use to build apps, and it can get very confusing. For anyone who doesn’t work directly…
Data Science Importance in the Face of Future Trends
Many individuals have begun to notice data science or data science as the internet and digital technologies became a part of everyday life. How can a vast amount of scattered data not be valuable to a business or company? Recognize the significance of data science in addressing future developments Increasing the number of Indonesian data…
Dark Web, Get to Know The Term of It
The Dark Web is a portion of the internet that is less accessible to the general public. Because its sites do not appear in ordinary search engine results, it is less visible. You’ll need special software to get access to it, which will make it anonymous and untraceable. Terms used on the Dark Web According…
API: What It is and How Does It Works
API role in facilitating application development is this. Creating an application is a difficult and time-consuming task. But what if developers had access to those fundamental parts and didn’t have to start from the beginning? APIs are acronyms for application programming interfaces API stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is an interface that connects…
Benefits of Fintech and Business Development in Indonesia
Fintech is a digital financial service with various fintech benefits that are beneficial for all circles. Not only from the community but also for developments in the business world in Indonesia. Various Real Benefits of Fintech for Business and Society In the past, when making financial transactions, you had to spend time and energy because…
Two Types of P2P Lending in Indonesia
When it comes to types of P2P lending, every website advertises itself so that it looks different from its competitors. For example, Crowde always associates itself with ‘helping Indonesian farmers’, Mekar always associates itself with ‘supporting Indonesian women’, or Ammana whose identity is very closely related to ‘Sharia lending’. This article is an additional supplement…
Mobile Apps Development and Benefits
Mobile Apps are applications for devices such as Smartwatches, Smartphones, Tablets, and many more. It is this software is the result of mobile programming that is designed using a certain programming language. Mobile Apps Development in Indonesia Every year, there is data on the internet and social media user trends released by Hootsuite, namely social…
Cryptocurrency Controls 8 Percent of the Fintech Market
Cryptocurrency still has the potential for future development assessed Economists from the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) The reason is, based on data from Fintech News Singapore, in 2020 the market share of crypto money in financial technology (fintech) was still 8 percent. “The opportunity is a potential investment alternative because so…