What is Nanotechnology? What did you first imagine when you heard the term nanotechnology? the word nano itself comes from the Greek which means ‘dwarf’. Nanotechnology is a science or technology that study very small objects (billions of meters) which are then manipulate to produce new objects with the desired special character. Nanotechnology is a…
Category: Informasi Bisnis
Quantum Computer: The Future of the Computer World
What is a Quantum Computer? A Quantum computer is a tool for processing information with the principles of quantum mechanics. This computation has different properties from classical computing. Then, Quantum computers have different processors from classic computers. Classic computer processors use silicon-based chips. The quantum computer uses a quantum system such as atoms, ions, photons,…
Organic Marketing: A Low-Cost Strategy for Generating Business Profits
Launching The Oop page, organic marketing is a natural marketing strategy used to drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversion rates. This term refers to a strategy in which companies do not spend money directly on advertising purposes, which is known as paid marketing. Organic marketing campaigns themselves involve tactics that are cost-effective and…
Data Science and what is that?
Anything you do in this digital age can be captured as data and later used for something helpful. But, the digital data here is a tricky number if you just see it in the big picture. So, we need to optimize and learn more about the data and how to maximize a chance from the…
Let’s Get Acquainted With Cost Per Click (CPC)
Cost per click (CPC) is a paid advertising term regarding the value that advertisers need to pay to publishers for each click they get from an ad. Website owners usually use third parties to match these costs with advertisers. One of the commonly used tools is Google Adwords. The CPC method will be used when…
Learn More about Cost Per Mille (CPM): Functions, Methods, and Benefits
Cost Per Mille (CPM) itself is a measure that shows the number of costs that must be incurred by advertisers for every 1,000 impressions that the ad gets. If you as an advertiser want to bid or bid to pay up to 30 thousand rupiah CPM, then that means you will pay 30 thousand rupiahs…
SEO Tools for Your Keywords Research
To get the right keywords or keywords, you need SEO tools. SEO tools are tools used to get good keywords so that the articles created have the power to win the competition on search engines. Keyword tools are also one of the most important supports when you are researching keywords for digital marketing needs. Therefore,…
How to Use Google AdWords and its Benefits
Google Adwords is a feature used to advertise business products, which will later appear on Google search pages, with certain keywords related to the advertised product. For information, actually, Google Adwords changed its name to Google Ads, in 2018. Even so, this rebranding has no effect on how it works and its use. The existence…
Google AdMob: a Solution That Can Give Benefit to Everyone
Google AdMob makes it easy for developers to earn from their mobile apps with high-quality ads. AdMob maximizes the value of each impression by combining global advertiser demand, innovative ad formats, and advanced app monetization technologies. Why should display ads? Showing ads to app users allows you to create a sustainable source of income to…
Maximize SEO and PPC to Get Your Sites Have Many Visitors
Having built up years of experience in Digital Marketing & now being a PPC Specialist at Clickthrough, I have witnessed some amazing results achieved when PPC merged with SEO. When I’ve seen these two channels work together, both have seen the benefits for their campaigns, whether the goal is brand awareness, lead generation, or driving…