You must panic when your website down, don’t panic, take a look at this article. What makes your website down Find out the cause of the website down and immediately make repairs. Especially, if it is used for business purposes. Your credibility as a business person becomes in doubt and your sales performance may decline….
Introducing Content Management System (CMS)
A content management system (CMS) allows people to generate, manage, and edit website content without requiring specialist technical skills. CMS is a technology that allows you to create a website without writing all of the code from scratch (or even know how to code at all). Rather than designing your own system for making web…
API: Application Programming Interface
Creating an application programming interface is a difficult and time-consuming task. But what if developers had access to those fundamental parts and didn’t have to start from the beginning? The API’s role in facilitating application development is this. APIs are acronyms for application programming interfaces API stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is an…
What is Email Marketing and How to do it?
Email marketing is a strategy that many companies use to do marketing. So, do you know what email marketing is and how do you implement it? In shorts, this strategy means using email as a marketing medium. However, please note that this is different from other types of marketing. What is Email Marketing? “Email marketing…
What do You Need to Know about Social Media Marketing?
“Social media marketing is the process of creating tailored content for each social media platform to drive engagement and promote your business.” What is Social Media Marketing? In simple, social media marketing is a marketing process that is carried out through social media. Usually the social media used is Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Social…
SEO Tools You Might Want to Know for Auditing Your Web
SEO tools provide you to do keyword research and analysis. The best tools also provide reports about your competitor’s data, pretty interesting right?. It also allows you to measure search performance in countries, regions, or languages. Many SEO practitioners with multiple websites still utilize the old fashion way which is they put a lot of…
On-Page and Off-Page SEO: What Should We Focus on?
There are two different categories of SEO to optimize your site: on-page and off-page SEO. But what is the difference between them? And what should we focus on? Well, If you have a website or work in that related field, you might want to read to the end. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of…
Tips to Protect Your Privacy on Apps
Once you go online, though, you don’t have the same choices. Clawing back personal data is impossible once it’s loose on the internet, and revealing more than you should is painfully easy. You may think that there’s no problem, that you have nothing to hide. But you risk abuse of your private data by advertisers,…
How Does Web Crawler Work? What is its Function?
Have you ever wondered, why a website can appear on a search engine page??, what makes that happen?, the answer is Web Crawler. What is a Web Crawler? A web crawler is a tool for indexing and downloading content from the internet, then it is stored in search engine databases. So that when someone is…
Digital Marketing: Organic Channel vs Paid Channel
In this tech era, digital marketing is one of the highest-demand skills needed in 2021. Digital marketing itself refers to advertising through digital channels such as social media, search engines, websites, email, and mobile apps. In each channel, there are 2 ways we can approach acquiring new customers, namely paid and organic. In this article,…